functionaliTEA is a podcast designed to give you all the TEA to help you function through your malfunction. Host Tausha suffers from Functional Neurological Disorder as well as other chronic conditions. Living by her mantra *Be intentional, Be faithful, Be humble* she trades negative energy and emotion for positivity and progress. Bringing relatability, and vulnerability while sharing a chronic ill life of unpredictability these weekly shows are sure to be applicable to anyone in or related to the spoonie community.
Episode 14 | FND and Pushing Through
Episode 14
Tenacity is not something we are born with, it is something that we learn. When facing chronic illness being tenacious and persistent is more than half of the battle. Whether it's just pushing to get through the day, pushing to advocate for ourselves, pushing through comments and judgement or even just pushing to accept that this is the way life looks for us now; we HAVE to push. We must push in order to prosper. In this inspirational episode host Tausha fills us in on just how she remains persistent AND positive.