functionaliTEA is a podcast designed to give you all the TEA to help you function through your malfunction. Host Tausha suffers from Functional Neurological Disorder as well as other chronic conditions. Living by her mantra *Be intentional, Be faithful, Be humble* she trades negative energy and emotion for positivity and progress. Bringing relatability, and vulnerability while sharing a chronic ill life of unpredictability these weekly shows are sure to be applicable to anyone in or related to the spoonie community.
Podcasting since 2022 • 18 episodes
Latest Episodes
Season 2 Ep. 1 | Getting Through Episodes
The functionaliTEA podcast is back with a brand new season and brand new TEA.In this episode host Tausha explains her checklist of 7 ways to get through her symptom episodes, what an episode is and how she helps make sure her friends and fa...
Season 2
Episode 1

Episode 16 | FND and Listening to Your Body
Listening isn't the easiest thing to do in a world that is so very overstimulating. Host Tausha explains an invaluable skill she has learned in listening to her body and how beneficial it has been to her overall functionality. How we...
Episode 16

Episode 15 | FND and 'That time of the month' (Endo)
Everyone knows what women are talking about when they say it's "that time of the month" but what does that time look like when it is coupled with chronic illness? What does that time look like when one of your chronic illnesses is directly rela...
Episode 15

Episode 14 | FND and Pushing Through
Tenacity is not something we are born with, it is something that we learn. When facing chronic illness being tenacious and persistent is more than half of the battle. Whether it's just pushing to get through the day, pushing to advocate f...
Episode 14

Episode 13 | FND and Travel (Part 2)
Traveling is one of the most enjoyable things about life. Host Tausha has already discussed how her traveling experience has been in the past. There are so many places and people out there to see; but travel looks different when you are chronic...
Episode 13